Becoming an Author: The Most Amazing Thing that Happened to Me

Image by This is the story of the most amazing thing that happened to me while I was chasing my dream of becoming a published author, with a special guest appearance by Chloe Neill. 2011 was a rough time for me. I'll spare you the gory details, but I had been dating a guy…

How I Took Control of My Insomnia

Image by I know this is typically a writing blog, but for years I've suffered from a condition that plagues many writers: insomnia. For more than ten years, I've struggled with sleeping well at night -- if at all. 2017 was particularly bad for me. Sometimes I'd go more than 48 hours without falling…

Writing and Life: What I’ve been doing for the last year

Image by Now that I've fully transferred my site over to a new server and have re-posted all my old blogs, I thought I'd give you an update about what's been going on with me for the last several months. This post will probably be a little all over the place because I'm summing…

New Host, New Site

I finally got fed up with my former web host and moved my site over to something much more manageable. Actually, I've been fed up for a long time but I kept putting it off. Now, my annual subscription was coming up and no way was I going to dump another year's worth of time and money into my old host. Nothing like the threat of a credit card charge to get me motivated.