How to Deal with Writer’s Block

Image by I've heard some authors argue that writer's block isn’t real, that it's only an excuse to avoid sitting your butt in a chair and getting to work. While I politely disagree, I do believe they're onto something. In my opinion, writer's block is not a cause, but often a symptom of something…

How I Took Control of My Insomnia

Image by I know this is typically a writing blog, but for years I've suffered from a condition that plagues many writers: insomnia. For more than ten years, I've struggled with sleeping well at night -- if at all. 2017 was particularly bad for me. Sometimes I'd go more than 48 hours without falling…

How to List Writing Credits on your Query Letter

Image by How much do writing credits matter? What should I include? When it comes to query letters, I get these questions a lot from newer writers. So, I decided to do a blog post about writing credits for anyone else out there who is wondering the same thing. As I always state when…

4 Things I Wish I Had Known as a Debut Author

Image by Back in 2016, when I was a debut author, I felt like a fish on dry land. I was flopping around and getting some attention, but I was completely out of my element. There are tons of resources, writer's groups, and blog posts for newer writers trying to break into publishing, helping…

The Query that Landed Me a NY Agent and Big Five Publisher

You asked for it. By popular demand, here it is: the query for my novel ARENA. Look, I'll be the first to admit it's not perfect, but it still bagged me several requests from agents, an offer of representation, and a two-book deal with Ace (Penguin). In less than six months. That's right. I started querying…